($1 Bonus) Razer Pay Referral Code : RAZER8

Announcement 05 Jul 2021: This referral code programme had ended.
Please check back in near future for new codes.

Use my referral code RAZER8 to obtain $1 Bonus in your Razer Pay Wallet after successful identity verification. Download the razer pay app using this link: http://rzr.to/payreferral

What is Razer Pay?

Alike to similar e-wallet payment (eg. Grab/Dash), Razerpay is another new e-wallet provider in the market.

Why use Razer Pay?

Three reasons!

  1. Pay everywhere

You can use Razer Pay to pay for your entertainment, food, games, mobile top-ups, and many more.

2. Transfer quickly

Send and receive funds from your friends/business easily.

3. Top up easily

Top up funds easily to your wallet using eNETS or online banking

Where can I use my razer pay?

Many places! Find out the outlets accepting razer pay using this link

My personal review about razer pay

I think razer pay has more growth potential. While companies like grab had their first mover advantage in Singapore, I hope razer can come out with more exciting promotions to entice people to onboard their platform (eg. higher sign up bonus for using referral codes)

From now till 31 Dec, you will also get to obtain a free razer mask which has more than 95% BFE (worth $46.90) via fedex if you apply and verify your razer pay account!

Free Razer Cloth Mask

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Maribank Referral Code: 4OVQ01AP
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